Keeping Memories Sharp

My name is Rebecca Richardson and I consider myself a 'Photographic Doctor'. This is my blog about all the restorations and fixes I make to photographs. Some of the images are my own but many are other's work. Old images, bandaged to new. Ripped or torn images, stitched back together. Underdeveloped images given a face lift, and so much more.

I may take a portrait and you want for certain elements to be fixed or changed. It's all a timing issue. We had to do this shoot on a specific day and time. Being that the dad was in the military, he was coming and going all the time. Our family was due to leave, we're military as well, and they really wanted me to capture their family portrait before I left. The son was due to get his braces off in a month and we were going to be 3000 miles away when that happened. TIMING! So I took the braces out of their favorite image. It was worth it for them to pay and extra $45 (15/hr for 3 hours) and get me to photograph their family as opposed to paying for someone else to do the pictures and not have the experience or photo doctor skills that I have.

And secondly, acne, is also a timing issue. When is hits a teenager, is anybody's guess. I never charge extra for acne removal on ordered prints because it is a quick and easy fix for me. It is better to keep original shoot dates and work through bad skin issues than to reschedule. The weather may not be as ideal on another day. Or I, the photographer, will have to turn away another gig on that very day because of rescheduling. Not good for business. Keep the date and you're pictures will look great!

Here is the original. As you can see, bad acne and braces. I have now created an image this young teenage boy will not be embarrassed to show off.


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