
Showing posts from September, 2012

Missing a Button?! Photo Doctor can fix that!

I did this business portrait. MONTHS later my mother tells me that she noticed a while back that one of his buttons was missing. Thanks Mom for not telling me sooner! I can't believe that two people who pay such attention to detail, over looked this. I do appreciate my mother's keen eye for detail. Apparently, I need to hire her to proof my work before it's sent out. Just like she use to proof read my papers in grade school. The point is, we all make mistakes. We are all human. Being able to admit this and fix the problem is even greater.

Anti Bad-Film Trend

This is exactly why I am anti-photo trends. This one I call- BAD FILM! It's what I coined after working in a professional lab. If we saw a roll of film come out looking like these images, we knew the film was old. I see many photographers doing trendy overlays and texture merges very well. While we let mediocre photographers who just can't seem to get it right, overcharge their $50 sitting fee including a disk of a bunch of overworked images on it. They look absolutely horrible on screen as well as in print. I wish this trend died off before it ever started.  Here are some images from a client who hired a said trendy uneducated photographer. I don't know if she knew what she was getting or not. But she was unhappy with her images- and I came her rescue. I think if I wasn't ready to pop (with baby this time last year)  this would have never been the case. Minus the poses, I can't fix stupid- these are good images ruined by overediting.  Sorry to sound ...